Monthly Archives: April 2013

The talk in San Telmo

Hidden behind the reflections of a San Telmo bar, a seemingly passionate discussion takes place [...]

El galan

I love how the word “el galán” sounds in Spanish, it basically has three meanings [...]


The dark rider

As Buenos Aires finally plunges in the dark,  an elegant bike rushes home to avoid [...]

Lunch for two

How great is it to escape for a few hours and go for a good [...]

Lunch for two

How great is it to escape for a few hours and go for a good [...]


Colorful Rosario

Like most Argentine cities, parts of town are very colorful. And in 99% of the [...]

The warship

On the warship flanks, shadows of families and lovers enjoy a peaceful Sunday afternoon. (click [...]

Sho(r)t Story #11 : Pelayo Gonzalez

Let visit Spain’s sea front this week with this graphical picture by Pelayo Gonzalez from [...]



Her name is Nena, meaning “babe” in Spanish. And though she is now over 80 [...]

Social networker

Pick the guy that seems to spend too much time on social networks, and not [...]