It is with great pleasure that we head to Paris this week to discover the story behind this picture by Carroll Lam, from Tucson, Arizona.
Submissions are open to anybody, if you wish to participate, please read the instructions at the end of this post.
April in Paris – Leica M9with 28mm Elmarit
What is the Sho(r)t Story?
This was taken at the Jardin des Tuileries in Paris during an April 2010 visit to Paris. While strolling through the gardens (for the first time for me and my wife) we came upon this lovely couple enjoying the spring sun. Their obvious love comes through so well in this composition.
Why is this one of your favorite pictures ?
I feel this picture captures so well "April in Paris". Loving couples everywhere with no apparent cares. I took a lot of street pictures during this trip to France but this is the one that I always come back to when reviewing the trip. It also reminds me of your Paris street postings. 😎
Which equipment did you use, and any technical considerations?
This was my first overseas trip with my Leica M9. This particular shot was done with the Elmarit-M f2.8/28mm. ISO 160. 1/2000. I don't recall the f-stop but from image above it was probably 5.6/8. Because of the bright sunny day I should have probably used an ND filter to reduce the DOF. Minimal adjustments were made with iPhoto.
Tell us about you and your photography?
I'm a retired electrical engineering that has had photography as a hobby since I was a teenager. Most of my professional career involved working with advanced technology imaging sensors. Now that I've retired I've had time to spend more time with photography. I'm currently breaking in a Sony DSC-RX1 (a poor man's Leica 😉 ) which is a lot fun to use and ideally suited to street photography.
Discover more of Carroll's work at :
If you would like to participate to this series, send me an email at with the following information :
– your name and location
– title of photograph (if any + equipment used)
– one of your favorite picture (max width of 1280 pixels, you obviously retain all the pictures copyright)
– answers to the above questions .
– any links to your work (website, Flickr, Facebook, …)