Do you only use the light that the street gives you or do you sometimes need a little help from a flash ? Or maybe, flash is simply part of your work routine for a special effect. Flash or no flash ? (use the comments section to provide more insights on the reasons why you might or might not use it)
I myself never use flash. I prefer to look for situations where I can take advantage of natural light, and anyways, it would be awkward to mount a flash on a Leica, no ? 😉
Paris – Leica M9 with 35mm Lux Asph at F4.0, 1/750, ISO160
As for the previous poll “What ISO sensitivity do you mainly use to shoot street photography ?” (407 votes), ISO400 pulled out slightly ahead of ISO200 with 31% of voters (to 26%). Probably a good compromise, especially for film shooters.