A draft of my future Paris book has been sent to Blurb for a first print and I hope to receive within a couple of weeks. Meanwhile I did a quick analysis of the 70+ pictures that are part of it, and more specifically, the lenses that I used to shoot them. The results are roughly as follows :
This evidently leads me to the recurring debate on "one lens only vs switching lenses". Based on my experience, I'd say that it is good to have several lens options on one's shelf. Not only can it help to break the routine, but it also allows you to match your system to the shooting conditions/mood of a given day. This being said, I am also convinced that once you picked a lens for an outing, you should commit to it for its whole duration. Indeed, there are already so many variables to take into account while out there shooting, that having an internal debate on which lens to use only becomes a distraction away from the action. So all in all, I'd advice to make your lens choice at home, but while in the streets, put all your attention to what is going on in your viewfinder rather than to the lens that is (or isn't) mounted in front of it.
Today's picture (part of the draft) is another version of a shot I had posted a couple of years ago. It features a band of young people celebrating the grape harvest in Montmartre.
Leica M9 with 35mm Lux Asph at F2.8, 1/500, ISO200