Indian kids have to wear uniforms to go to school. This way, everybody dresses equal and differences between social classes are less visible. This being said, all schools are not equal and you'll definitely see a difference in the quality of the uniforms from one to the other.
This picture was taken in Bikaner, Rajasthan, and evidently, it had to have bright colors. I also think it is a good representation of the always present contrast between the tidiness of most people and the filthiness in the streets. I used and aperture of F1.4, yet maybe a smaller one would have allowed to distinguish better the person looking towards me on the right. Yet sincerely, I did not see her at the moment. This is part of the surprises that one often gets when editing. (click on picture for high res)
Leica M9 with 35mm Lux Asph at F1.4, 1/500, ISO160