First, let me thanks all the participants to the poll on "the future of". Your input as well as your comments have been so helpful to shape the direction of this blog.
I think the results are straightforward : not a lot of interest was shown in reviews of gear, books or exhibits, as well as a picture critique column. As many mentioned, there is already a large span of websites dedicated to these topics. So I'll leave that aside, except perhaps for these instances where I believe some information is especially relevant to street photography.
On the opposite, over 80% of respondents showed interest in the street photography articles and a little less than 50% would like to have other street photographer's work still featured on this website. This is great news because this is what I have enjoyed writing about, and the interviews of other street photographers have been great experiences.
All in all, I feel that the poll results pretty much reflect the content I have published so far. There will be therefore no significant changes in direction. And evidently, the posting of a daily picture will remain the "raison d'être" of this blog.
All my thanks again. Now let's the ride go on. (with an older driver though)
(click on picture for high res)
Leica M9 with 35mm Lux Asph