Trip update

It has been four months now that we arrived in Argentina. Coming up in 10 days is a one week trip to Ushuaia and Calafate in the Southern part of the country. Then in early may we will head back to Europe and get into the visa paperwork for about a month. During this time, […]

The friendly people of Rosario

The people of Rosario are wonderful. Never have I had a problem for taking their picture. Very few look unpleased and most will simply laugh about it. Quite an example for the grumpy people of too many Western cities. (click on picture to enlarge) Leica M9 with 60mm Hexanon at F1.4, 1/2000, ISO200 Leica M9 […]

The hail storm

Phones ring frantically, a hail storm is ponding the nearby town. Drives anxiously look for a shelter to protect their cars. A woman stands on top of a roof, looking at the dark clouds nearing and slowly covering the last rays of sun. Fear, or good business to come, she stands on a Glass shop.  […]


Rain storms are so violent here that waters sometimes engulfs the streets in a few minutes. A long wait then follows with hope that the waters don’t wash away one’s tiny mean of transportation.  (click on picture to enlarge) Leica M9 with 60mm Hexanon at F1.4, 1/500, ISO800